Monday, March 20

Life Science (Jones)-
  • Study for your quiz on meiosis/mitosis tomorrow!

    US History II (Jones)- 

    • Study for your quiz on the Spanish-American War on Wednesday. 
    US History II (Simpson)-
    • TEST TOMORROW. Review Immigration & Industrialization; Jim Crow Era.

    Math 7 (Makulowich)-

    • xxxxx
    Language Arts (Williams)-
    • xxxxx
    Language Arts (Simpson)-
    • 1st Block: Read for at least 20 minutes each night. Tomorrow is Library Day.
    • 4th Block: Read for at least 20 minutes each night. Complete worksheet on organizational patterns and bring in any library books you may have at home. You will have an opportunity to visit the library tomorrow.

    Algebra 1 (Lucas)


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